Friday, December 4, 2020

REFLECTIVE ESSAY | Trizha C. Talandron



               The story “My Brother’s Peculiar Chicken” is a really relatable story to the Filipinos, especially in my family. In the story, there were a lot of arguing or debating scenes, that reminded me of my family. There aren’t a lot of arguing or debating in my family, it’s just that they sometimes argue about chickens. Most of the men in my family is obsessed with cockfighting. I consider their chickens as my siblings because my father also treats them as family.

               We can’t avoid misunderstanding, arguments, or debates in the family. Chickens are one of the reasons why they argue, especially parents. Some arguments are because of the money that was used for the chickens or the bet for cockfighting, are supposed to be used for house needs or other needs, and some of them use most of their time taking care of the chickens and less of their time to their family. I’m not saying that chickens are not important, it’s just that they need to manage and balance their time and organize or segregate their money. In that way, they won’t have to argue all the time about it.

               It is very delightful and lovely knowing that in the story, they had many people to trust and ask a question to. Some people nowadays are afraid to ask questions to other people because of the fear of being judged. That’s why they just use the internet and search the question. The people who they asked are very friendly and very eager to help them. It’s hard to find people like them nowadays.

               Something that contains bad manners in the story is when the parents fought in front of the dining table when they were about to eat. Their kids was there when their parents fought, and that’s really bad because it may remain in their children’s memories. You should also not fight in the dining table especially when you are about to eat or leave the dining table or kitchen if you’re not done eating. When the food is right in front of you, you eat because it’s a blessing, you should be thankful of what you have. You should pray before you eat to say thank you and to bless the foods you are about to eat.

               I figured that we can’t escape argument, misunderstanding and etc.. If we can’t escape it, might as well prevent ourselves from making opinions that would lead to an argument. We should be kind to other people always and respect other people and their entertainment always, as long as it’s good entertainment, to make them feel confident about themselves or in what they do. I also figured that some people use their knowledge to bring people down even when they’re wrong. We should always think before we do something or be careful with our words and actions, or else you’ll regret eventually.

The Essence of Family Day | Trizha Talandron

“It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family.” -Menachem Begin      Noong Abril 28, ...